2024-25 HS 4×4
10 game guarantee
December 7, 14, 21
January 4, 11, 18, 25
February 1, 8,15
(Make-up due to weather Feb 22)
If there are more than 12 teams this year, additional game dates will be as follows: Sunday Dec. 8, 15, 22, games will start at 5:30pm. We may also use Friday
nights if needed in January.
USA Elite Training Member Fee: $235 per Player
Non-USA Elite Training Member Fee: $265 per Player
Registration Forms: High School 4×4 Registration 2024-25, League Info , Liability Waiver
2024 Team Winner: Milk Drinkers:
Katie Cowen, Payton McDaniel, Kaleigh Durkin, Shelby Jordan
2024 Point Champion: Shelby Jordan
2024 Homerun Champion: Kylie Lucia
2022 High School Team Winner: No Names (Jackie Pengel, Elena Ohe, Niamh Dougherty, Brooklyn Cividanes)
2022 Batting Chamion: Jill Ayala (Zoobles)
2022 Homerun Champion: Brooke Poppella (Zoobles)
2021 High School Team Winner: No Names
2021 Total Point Winner: Jackie Pengel – No Names – 151 Points
2021 Homerun Winner: Teagan Mulvihill – The Reds – 15 HRs
2025 JR High 4 on 4
7 Game Guarantee*
February 22,
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
April 5, 12
(Make-up due to weather April 6)
If there are more than 12 teams this year, additional game dates will be as follows: Sunday/ Friday: February 16, 23, March 30, April 6
Members: $170, Non-Members $195
Registration Forms: Registration, 2025 Junior High 4×4 INFO, Liability Waiver
2023 Junior High 4×4 Final Stats
2023 Team Winner: Girly Pop Fungus Olivia Raccio, Breyonna Demora, Lauren Meehan, Adrianna Cicchiello
2023 Total Point Winner, Olivia Raccio, Girly Pop Fungus, 97 points
2023 Homerun Winner: Ace Simmons (9), Sour Patch Kids
2022 Team Winner: UR Mom (Madelyn Page, Larkyn Domer-Shank, Aubrey Martin, Allyson Killoran)
2022 Total Point Winner: Cienna McNamara (Battle of 4)
2022 Homerun Winner: Cienna McNamara (Battle of 4)
2021 JR 4 on 4 Winning Team : Base Invaders
2021 Overall Homerun Winner: Delaney Poach (Dirty Divas))
2021 Overall Points Winner: Cienna Mcnamara (Base Invaders
2019 JR 4 on 4 Winning Team : Benchwarmers
2019 Individual Batting Champion: Sophia Scampolino (Benchwarmers)
2019 Individual HomeRun Champion: Sammy Sosnovich from team Benchwarmer

- The USA Elite Training, LLC 4 on 4 High School Hitting League give players an opportunity to practice their hitting, pitching and fielding skills in a competitive and fun environment during the winter. Teams consist of four players: a pitcher, a catcher, and two fielders. (The pitchers will pitch from regulation 43’ distance using a Jug Softie ball.)
- These teams compete against each other in a 5 inning game with a 1 hour time limit. Games will be played on a 45X60 turfed surface. Each inning consists of 2 at bat per inning per player. Points are given based on zones hit in the field area (e.g., a player would score 4 points for a line drive hit pass the fielders which hits the back net of the field area. An Umpire will be provided to umpire and score the game. Scores will be posted weekly on USA Elite Training web page.
- Prizes: Each player of the winning team with the will receive a USA Elite Training, LLC Sweatshirt. T-shirts will also be awarded to the player that hits the most home runs and to the player with the highest individual score.
- Game Cancellation Rules / Individual Substitutes:
Please note: If a team cannot make the scheduled game. IT IS THE TEAMS RESPONSIBITY TO GET PLAYER FROM THE LEAGUE TO PLAY FOR THEM. DO NOT CALL USA ELITE TO FIND PLAYERS. IF teams do NOT SHOW UP FOR SCHEDULED GAMES OR DO NOT GET REPLACEMENT PLAYERS, THEIR TEAM OR ANY PLAYER FROM THE TEAM WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICPATE NEXT YEAR IN THE LEAGUE. Each team will be provided contact numbers for other teams in the league. Teams are allowed to have TWO extra players on the roster as substitute players or teams can play with three players. Every player’s name must be on the roster by the first game of the season or the player will be considered an illegal player.