USA ELITE TRAINING – Softball Training CT

USA Elite Unsigned Senior Event in CT Friday,  September 12, 2025
Announcing the 8th Annual USA Elite Showcases “Unsigned Senior Event” before the Northern Exposure Fall Classic. Every year the “Unsigned Senior Event” has grown into a huge success! Players met with coaches and many found their college destination over these years!

Think “speed dating” meets recruiting.

Here are the highlights of the Unsigned Senior Event. Don’t miss this opportunity you are guaranteed to meet college Coaches

• The Event will take place Friday night before the Recruiting Camp and Showcase Tournament at USA Elite Training LLC in Cheshire CT. The Recruiting Camp will take place Saturday am and Tournament games will start after the camp.
• Players will be given approximately 5 minutes to “interview” with each college coach.
• Players will be asked to complete a standardized resume to hand to the college coaches.
• All scheduling with players will be done ahead of time, player walk-ups will not taken.
• College coaches will sit at a table with the name of their school and meet with interested players and then be able to see the same players during the Recruiting Camp providing coaches with a well-rounded review of the player.
• Players will be able to select the schools they are interested in talking to and USA Elite will ask each college what positions they need. This way there is no wasted time.

 Testimonial : I also want to thank you for a great weekend. Mia enjoyed the unsigned senior event.  I think it was a great experience to have her make a resume and have the opportunity to speak to the coaches. Great life skills for future job interviews !” – Angela, parent of participant